Instructor led Live Online Summer Training
Session Wise Schedule – Python , Django
Sn. | Heading | Topic Name |
1 | Python Basic | Installation & Environment Setup Python Introduction Interactive Shell User interface or IDE |
2 | Variables & Strings in Python | What is Variable? Variables and Constants in Python, Variable, Variable names and Value, Mnemonic Variable Names, Strings |
3 | Python Operators | Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators, Python Assignment Operators, Short hand Assignment Operators, Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Operator precedence, Evaluating Expressions |
4 | Data Types in Python | ListTuple, |
5 | Data Types in Python | Dictionaries, Numbers, Sets |
6 | Conditional Statements | How to use “if condition” in conditional structures, if statement How to use “elif” condition, Nested IF Statement, Break, Continue & Pass Statement |
7 | Loops & User Input | While And For Loops, Nested For Loops, Iterations And Comprehensions |
8 | Functions | Function Definition And Call, Function Scope, Return Statement, Arguments |
9 | Anonymous Functions | Lambda Expression, Advance Functions |
10 | File Handling | Working with Files, CSV, PDF |
11 | Modules & Packages | Importing Modules, Standard Module –Sys , OSPackages |
12 | Exception Handling | Syntax Error, Runtime Error, Try except Statement, Finally statement |
13 | Python Advance Oops Concepts & Application | Classes and instances Inheritance and Compositions Static and Class Methods |
14 | Oops Concepts & Application | Operator Overloading Polymorphism, Iterators |
15 | Python Advance | Decorators , Generators |
16 | Regular Expressions | Match Function, Search Function, Grouping, Match Objects, Flags, Exercise |
17 | Multi threading | What is Multi-Threading, Threading Module, Defining a Thread, Thread Synchronization |
18 | Database Handling in Python | Working With Data Base, Connecting & Inserting Data to SQLite With Python |
19 | Web Scrapping | The components of a web page, Beautiful, Soup, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Data frames, PIP Installing External Modules Using PIP |
20 | Projects | Building an Interactive Dictionary with Python |
21 | Projects | Food Ordering System with Python |
22 | Projects | Building a smart calculator desktop app using python |
23 | Projects | Online Book Store System Using Python |
24 | Projects | Scrapping a Real Estate Property data from the web |
25 | Projects | Creating a Website |
26 | Project | Creating a Blog Site |
27 | Django | Introduction, Installation & Environment Setup |
28 | Django | MVC Model, HTTP Concepts |
29 | Django | Views & URL Mapping |
30 | Django | Django Template Language, Utilities of Templates |
31 | Django | Creating Template Objects, Tags, Variables and Filters |
32 | Django | Rendering Templates |
33 | Django | Template Inheritance |
34 | Django | Form Handling, Form validation |
35 | Django | Form Display, Error Messages |
36 | Django | Django Models, Model Fields |
37 | Django | Model Inheritance, CRUD on DB |
38 | Django | Primary keys and the Model, Dynamic Webpages |
39 | Django | Toggle Hidden Content, jQuery and AJAX integration |
40 | Django | Serialization and Deserialization, Django REST Framework |
41 | Django | Serializer class, Model Serializers, Rest APIs |
42 | Django | XML-RPC, XML, parsing object to XML and back |
43 | Django | JSON, parsing object to JSON and back, |
44 | Django | Query & Applications. |