Instructor led Live Online Summer Training
Session Wise Schedule – Python , Data Science
Sn. | Heading | Topic Name |
1 | Python Basic | Installation & Environment Setup Python Introduction Interactive Shell User interface or IDE |
2 | Variables & Strings in Python | What is Variable? Variables and Constants in Python, Variable, Variable names and Value, Mnemonic Variable Names, Strings |
3 | Python Operators | Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators, Python Assignment Operators, Short hand Assignment Operators, Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Operator precedence, Evaluating Expressions |
4 | Data Types in Python | ListTuple, |
5 | Data Types in Python | Dictionaries, Numbers, Sets |
6 | Conditional Statements | How to use “if condition” in conditional structures, if statement How to use “elif” condition, Nested IF Statement, Break, Continue & Pass Statement |
7 | Loops & User Input | While And For Loops, Nested For Loops, Iterations And Comprehensions |
8 | Functions | Function Definition And Call, Function Scope, Return Statement, Arguments |
9 | Anonymous Functions | Lambda Expression, Advance Functions |
10 | File Handling | Working with Files, CSV, PDF |
11 | Modules & Packages | Importing Modules, Standard Module –Sys , OSPackages |
12 | Exception Handling | Syntax Error, Runtime Error, Try except Statement, Finally statement |
13 | Python Advance Oops Concepts & Application | Classes and instances Inheritance and Compositions Static and Class Methods |
14 | Oops Concepts & Application | Operator Overloading Polymorphism, Iterators |
15 | Python Advance | Decorators , Generators |
16 | Regular Expressions | Match Function, Search Function, Grouping, Match Objects, Flags, Exercise |
17 | Multi threading | What is Multi-Threading, Threading Module, Defining a Thread, Thread Synchronization |
18 | Database Handling in Python | Working With Data Base, Connecting & Inserting Data to SQLite With Python |
19 | Web Scrapping | The components of a web page, Beautiful, Soup, HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Data frames, PIP Installing External Modules Using PIP |
20 | Projects | Building an Interactive Dictionary with Python |
21 | Projects | Food Ordering System with Python |
22 | Projects | Building a smart calculator desktop app using python |
23 | Projects | Online Book Store System Using Python |
24 | Projects | Scrapping a Real Estate Property data from the web |
25 | Projects | Creating a Website |
26 | Project | Creating a Blog Site |
27 | Data Science | What Data Science is, Why Data Scientists are in demand, What is a Data Product, The growing need for Data Science, Large Scale Analysis Cost vs Storage, Data Science Skills, Data Science Use Cases, Data Science Project Life Cycle & Stages, Data Acquisition |
28 | Statistics | What is Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Central Tendency Measures, The Story of Average, Dispersion Measures, Data Distributions |
29 | Hypothesis Testing in Data Science | Central Limit Theorem, What is Sampling, Why Sampling, Sampling Methods, Inferential Statistics, What is Hypothesis testing, Confidence Level, Degrees of freedom |
30 | Advance Hypothesis | what is pValue, Chi-Square test, What is ANOVA, Correlation vs Regression, Uses of Correlation & Regression |
31 | Numpy | Learning NumPy |
32 | Pandas | Introduction to Pandas, Creating Data Frames, Grouping, Sorting |
33 | Data Analysis With Pandas | Plotting Data, Creating Functions, Slicing/Dicing Operations. |
34 | Visualization | Matplotlib, Working With Graphs |
35 | Exploratory_data_analysis | Working With Seaborn |
36 | Exploratory_data_analysis | Bi variate and Multi-variance analysis, Univariate analysis and outliers handling |
37 | Machine Learning | ML Fundamentals, ML Common Use Cases, Understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques |
38 | Probability | Introduction of PDF, RDF functions, Gaussian Distribution, Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
39 | Feature Engineering | Machine Learning Use-CasesMachine Learning Process FlowMachine Learning Categories |
40 | Working With Python For ML | Installation Of Jupyter Notebook |
41 | Linear Regression | Introduction to Predictive Modeling, Linear Regression Overview, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression |
42 | Optimization Algorithm | Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Batch Gradient Descent |
43 | Assignment 1 | Linear Regression – Using kc housing Dataset |
44 | Logistic Regression | Logistic Regression Overview, Loss Function |
45 | Performance Measurment | Data Partitioning, Univariate Analysis, Bivariate Analysis, Multicollinearity Analysis, Model Building, Model Validation, Model Performance Assessment AUC & ROC curves, Scorecard |
46 | Use Case | MNIST Classification Using Logistic RegressionLogistic Regression – Using Titanic Dataset |
47 | KNN | kNN Introduction kNN Concepts kNN and Iris Dataset Demo Distance Metric |
48 | Naive Bayes Algorithm | What is Naïve Bayes?, How Naïve Bayes works?Implementing Naïve Bayes Classifier |
49 | Use Case | Text Classification Using Naïve Bayes Classifier, Tumor Classification |
50 | Decision Tree Classifier | How to build Decision trees, What is Classification and its use cases?, What is Decision Tree?, Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction, Creating a Decision Tree, Confusion Matrix |
51 | Use Case | Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Decision Tree Classifier |
52 | Random Forest Classifier | What is Random Forests, Features of Random Forest, Out of Box Error Estimate and Variable Importance |
53 | Use Case | Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Random Forest Classifier |
54 | Support Vector Machines | Case Study, Introduction to SVMs, SVM History, Vectors Overview, Decision Surfaces, Linear SVMs, The Kernel Trick, Non-Linear SVMs, The Kernel SVM |
55 | Use Case | SVM using Bike Sharing Dataset |
56 | Time Series Analysis | What is Time Series Analysis?, Importance of TSA, Components of TSA, White Noise, AR model, MA model, ARMA model, ARIMA model Stationarity ACF & PACF |
57 | Use Case | Checking Stationarity Converting a non-stationary data to stationary Implementing Dickey Fuller TestPlot ACF and PACF, Generating the ARIMA plot, TSA Forecasting |
58 | Problem Statement and Analysis | Various approaches to solve a Data Science ProblemPros and Cons of different approaches and algorithms. |
59 | Principal Component Analysis | Introduction to Dimensionality, Why Dimensionality Reduction, PCAFactor Analysis, Scaling dimensional model, LDA |
60 | Use Case | Face Recognition with Eigen faces |
61 | Unsupervised Learning Algorithm | What is Clustering & its Use Cases?, What is K-means Clustering?, How K-means algorithm works?, How to do optimal clustering |
62 | Use Case | Implementing K-means Clustering |
63 | Which Algorithms perform best | Highly efficient machine learning algorithms, Bagging Decision Trees, The power of ensembles, Random Forest Ensemble technique |
64 | Which Algorithms perform best | Boosting – Ada boost, Boosting ensemble stochastic gradient boosting, A final ensemble technique |
65 | Miscellaneous | Curse of dimensionality, Regularization methods:- Ridge, LASSO, Kernel density Estimation, Bias-variance trade-off, Over fitting, under fitting, Radial basis functions |
66 | Project | Big Mart Sales Analysis |
67 | Project | FIFA-2018-World-cup-predictions |