PYTHON Django web development course in Jaipur

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advantages of python django course

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$ 60,000+

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Python Developer’s Demand is increasing rapidly in the world

Why Choose Python Django Certification Programing in Jaipur?

Embark on a transformative journey with our Python Django Web Development Course in Jaipur, designed to catapult your programming skills to new heights. This comprehensive course is meticulously crafted for both beginners and seasoned developers, focusing on Django Python web development. As a leading Django Web Development Course, we offer in-depth training that covers all the nuances of Django and Python, ensuring you emerge as a proficient developer. Our Django Python course is not just about learning the technology; it’s about mastering it to build dynamic, robust web applications. For freshers aspiring to break into the tech industry, our program is a gateway to numerous Python developer jobs in Jaipur. Join us and become part of a thriving community passionate about web development and ready to make a mark in the tech world. This article delves into the aspects that make Jaipur a sought-after destination for Python Django enthusiasts, highlighting the best Python Django coaching and training in Jaipur.

python course in jaipur



PYTHON Django Programming Cousre in Jaipur

Python is an extremely versatile programming language that has garnered the attention and interest of many big and successful companies like Google, YouTube, and Yahoo. This language has proven to offer many benefits in terms of flexibility and scalability, which is why it’s so highly regarded in the industry.

If you’re a web developer, you’ll be pleased to know that there are two widely-used web frameworks that can help streamline your work. These frameworks include Django and Flask, both of which have been around for quite some time. Django is an incredibly powerful tool that can handle complex applications with ease, while Flask is a smaller and more lightweight tool that can help speed up your work with its many features.

Many successful IT professionals highly recommend taking a Python training course that includes Django and Flask. These reliable and robust frameworks are excellent for web development, and there’s no doubt that learning how to use them can help you become a more skilled developer.

Python Django Web Development Course in Jaipur

In the vibrant city of Jaipur, the demand for skilled web developers, especially those proficient in Python and Django, is on a significant rise. This rise in demand aligns with the increasing number of Python developer jobs in Jaipur for freshers and experienced professionals alike. If you’re aspiring to dive into this dynamic field, enrolling in a Python Django web development course could be your gateway to success. In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of Django Python web development and the benefits of pursuing a Django web development course, particularly in Jaipur.

Understanding Django Python Web Development

Before delving into the courses, let’s understand what Django Python web development entails. Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It’s known for its simplicity and versatility, making it an excellent choice for developers of all skill levels. By learning Django, you’ll be able to build robust and scalable web applications efficiently.

Why Choose a Django Web Development Course?

A Django web development course is not just about learning a programming language or a framework; it’s about building a skillset that’s highly valued in the tech industry. Such a course typically covers:

    • Fundamentals of Python: Understanding the core concepts of Python is crucial, as it’s the foundation upon which Django operates.
    • Django Framework: Deep diving into Django’s architecture, including its models, views, templates, and URLs.
    • Database Management: Learning how to efficiently handle databases with Django ORM.
    • Front-end Technologies: Although Django is a back-end framework, a comprehensive course will also cover essential front-end technologies for a full-stack understanding.
    • Real-world Projects: Applying the knowledge to build practical, real-world applications.

Why Jaipur for Django Python Course?

Jaipur, known for its rich cultural heritage, is also becoming a hub for technological education and startups. Here’s why you should consider Jaipur for a Django Python course:

    • Growing Tech Community: With numerous tech startups and a vibrant developer community, Jaipur offers a great environment for learning and networking.
    • Quality Training Institutes: The city boasts some of the best institutes offering specialized training in Python and Django.
    • Affordability: Compared to other major cities, Jaipur offers more affordable living and educational expenses, making it an attractive destination for students.

Job Opportunities: Python Developer Jobs in Jaipur for Freshers

Post completion of a Django web development course, a plethora of job opportunities await in Jaipur. The city’s growing tech industry is always on the lookout for fresh talent skilled in Python and Django. As a fresher, you can expect roles such as Junior Developer, Python Programmer, Django Backend Developer, and many more. These positions offer not just attractive salaries but also opportunities for rapid career growth.


Embarking on a Python Django web development course in Jaipur can be a transformative step in your career. With the city’s burgeoning tech scene, quality education facilities, and growing job market, there’s no better time than now to start your journey in Django Python web development. Whether you’re a fresher aiming to break into the tech industry or a seasoned professional looking to upskill, Jaipur provides an ideal backdrop for your educational and professional growth in this field




Regular Track

Full Day(Fast Track)

Training Duration

90 hours

90 hours

Training Days

45 days

10 days

  • All About Python
    • Origin
    • History
    • scope of python
    • popularity of python
    • future of python
    • use of python in different emerging technologies of modern era
    • achievements of python
    • mega projects hosted in python
  • Python Installation and Environment Setup
    • Different Flavours of python like Ipython, Jpython, Cpython, PYPY etc
    • Development Environment and it’s Requirements
    • Installation on windows
    • Installation on linux
    • Installation on mac
    • Choosing best IDE for your coding purpose from IDLE, Jupyter, Spyder, PyCharm, vscode, vim
  • Writing first program in python
    • Using vim and command line creating first hello program in python
    • Using vscode or PyCharm for Integrated Development Environments
    • Using Jupyter Notebook and it’s features for fast, simple learning process
  • Syntax of python
    • Python coding Style
    • Indentation
    • Comments in python
    • Snake style coding
    • Keywords in python
    • Built-in functions in python
  • Data type and Data Structures
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • List
    • Dictionary
    • Tuples
    • Sets
    • Frozen Sets
    • Type Casting
  • Advance Containers from collection module
    • Queues
    • Ordered Dictionary
    • Named Tuple
    • Default Dictionary
    • Counter
    • ChainMap
    • UserDict
  • Control Statements
    • Flow diagrams
    • If – else
    • Nested if else
  • Looping in Python
    • For Loop
    • While Loop
    • Break
    • Continue
    • Else with loop
  • Functions in Python
    • Built-in Functions zip, enumerate, eval, exec, min, max, ord, chr, sorted, reversed, len, sum, power, divmod etc.
    • Defining Custom Functions
    • Function Calling
    • Scope Resolution global, local, nonlocal scope
    • Code Reusability
    • Recursion
  • Advance Functions in Python
    • Lambda anonymous function
    • Map function
    • Reduce function
    • Filter function
    • Lazy Evaluation
  • Closures and Decorators in Python
    • Memorization using closures
    • Writing extensible functions using Decorators
    • Decorators to implement oops like functionality to functions
  • OOPS
    • Encapsulation
    • Abstraction
    • Data hiding
    • Data Security
    • Access Control
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Overriding
    • Operator Overloading
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • Implementing Data Structures using OOPs
    • Message Passing and Share Space in OOPs
  • Advance OOPS
    • Name Mangling in OOPs
    • MRO (Method Resolution Order)
    • Meta Classes
    • Slots
    • Properties
    • Class methods
    • Static methods
  • Implementation of Data Structures in Python
    • Implementing Stack
    • Implementing Queue
    • Implementing Link-List
  • Generators & Iterators in Python
    • Memory Optimization Techniques
    • Lazy Evaluation
    • Custom Generators & Decorators
    • Zip like generator objects and their working
  • Exception Handling
    • Exceptions and Errors
    • Built in Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions
    • else keyword with exception
    • finally, keyword to define Clean Up Actions
    • Custom Exception using raise keyword
    • assert keyword for assertions
    • Creating Custom Exception Class
  • File Handling
    • Type of file formats and their significance
    • File Creation and writing data to files
    • Reading data from a file
    • Overwriting files
    • Dealing with excel sheets, csv files
    • Making data persistent to create real life projects
  • Data Serialization
    • Serialization and De-Serialization
    • Serializing python objects using pickle, json and shelve modules
    • Deserializing Object State to read data from byte file or from network
    • Storing Custom Objects to make state machines
  • Installing Third Party Modules in Python
    • Pip (Python Package Installer)
    • Installing packages and modules using pip
    • pypi (python package index) repository for package lookup
    • Offline installation of a package using pip
  • Database Connectivity
    • Concept of Data Base Management Systems
    • Using sqlite3 to store lite data in database like format
    • CURD (Create, Update, Read, Delete) Operation on sql table
    • Connecting python to a MariaDB or MySQL server using pymysql or mysql-client modules
    • Un-Structure Data Base Management systems like MongoDB
  • Python Installation and Environment Setup
    • Different Flavours of python like Ipython, Jpython, Cpython, PYPY etc
    • Development Environment and it’s Requirements
    • Installation on windows
    • Installation on linux
    • Installation on mac
    • Choosing best IDE for your coding purpose from IDLE, Jupyter, Spyder, PyCharm, vscode, vim
  • Modules and Packages in Python
    • Module name space
    • If __name__ == “__main__” in Python
    • Defining Custom Modules
    • Creating Packages in Python
    • Testing Packages
    • Importing and using custom packages
    • Adding custom modules to library
  • Standard Library in Python
    • Os and Sys Module to interact with Operating System
    • Shutil Module to copy, paste and delete files
    • Subprocess Module to execute commands&their output
    • Zlib for data compression
    • Time& Datetime Module fortime management
  • Graphical User Interface using Tk
    • GUI basics
    • Widgets like button, label, frame, canvas, radio buttons
    • Check Buttons, dropdown menus, scroll bars
    • Progress Bars, message box, text box, entry widget etc
    • Geometry Managers like place, grid, and pack
    • Dialog box, top level window implementation
  • Virtual Environment
    • What is Virtual Environment
    • Difference between Production and Development Environment
    • Package versions and their importance in projects
    • Creating a separate environment for Python Projects
    • Activating Virtual Environment
    • Installing Different Version of packages in different environments
    • txt file
    • README file
  • Django Web Framework of Python 
    • Installing and setting up a Django virtual environment
    • Creating a Django Project
    • Django Components
    • MVC architecture (Model, View, Controller)
    • Creating Django Views
    • Designing Django Templates using Jinja2 templating, html, css, js and static files
    • Configuring URL conf’s
    • Django Forms
    • Django and REST APIs
    • Data Base Models
    • User Logins and Django Admin Panel
    • Accessing Controls with Sessions and Users
    • Generic Class Based views in Django
    • Email Functionality for Django
    • OTP verification in Django
    • Deploying Django Application on Cloud & Linux servers

Core Python Project Highlights

Seldom provides you Project Based Learning in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. You will learn how to create projects, expert faculty help you in improving your coding and trained you to present your knowledge and projects.

  • Database Implementation – This is a huge and logical project where we have to make our own database using python files, OS modules, String Functions and Re-Modules plus using Multi-threading and all most all concepts of python.
  • A Daily Shop Product Enquiry Application – In this application we will make a application which will keep track of all day sale and left stock in a daily shop. Almost every retailer using this type of application so it will be fun to making such a application.
  • Graphical Chat Application – This is interesting isn’t it? In this project we will make whatsapp. Like GUI Chat application where in chatroom box 2 or more people can chat with each other as well as can share files.
  • Mailing Application (Mail Bombing, Automated Mail service) – In this project we will make email applications to automate mail sending and also we can make a mail bombing application to attack someone’s mail account.
  •  Download Manager – In this project we will make a download manager which will be able to download almost any type of data directly and speedily using urllib module.
  • Map Application – This application will give description about the place which will be given as input.
  • Calculator – GUI calculator is an application to perform calculation. This will be done by tkinter module.
  • A Django Based Dynamic Web-site – This is totally your project where you will be making a real time web-site based on your idea using Django module.
  • Polling and Blog Website – These websites are powered by Django module and have very advanced web-designing.
  • Port Scanner – Enter a IP address and a port range where the program will then attempt to find open ports on the given computer by connecting to each of them. On any successful connections mark the port as open.

Python Developer:

Python Backend Developers are made to work in engineering team and help  develop and maintain various software products. They have the responsibilities in writing and testing codes, debugging programs and integrating applications with third-party web services. 

Django Web Developers :

Their work is to build highly responsive web applications that align with the business needs.They have to write effective, scalable code, develop back-end components to improve responsiveness and overall performance, integrate user-facing elements into applications.

Flask Web Developer :

 Their role is to test and debug programs of Flask development, to improve the functionality of existing systems and implement security and data protection solutions.

  • RTU Official Training Partner

  • 100% Placement Assistance

  • Industry Experts Led Training since 2014

  • Highest Rated on Google

Job Oriented Program

Our specialized Job Oriented Program stands out from the rest due to its one-of-a-kind approach towards training. We believe in assuring our students a secured job once they complete the program, which is an assurance very few of our competitors offer. Our program is carefully crafted to cater to the present day demands of the IT and digital industries, ensuring our students are equipped with the necessary technical as well as soft skills that are essential for their professional growth.

We take immense pride in the fact that we have been renowned year after year for producing a talented pool of candidates who have been well-trained in our program – they showcase an unrivaled proficiency when it comes to executing the tasks assigned to them, owing to the rigorous and relevant training they have undergone under our program. With our Job Oriented Program, we assure you a bright future in the IT and digital industries. Join us for the best Python Django Course in Jaipur.

What our Students are saying about PYTHON Django Programming Course in Jaipur

Python Django Development Guide

Seldom India ke Python Django Web Developer course ne mere web development skills ko polished kiya hai. Instructors ke theoretical knowledge aur practical applications se maine Django framework ko depth mein samjha hai. I highly recommend this course.

Avatar for Basant

Coding Special

Seldom India’s Python Django Web Developer course redefines excellence in Django development education.

Avatar for Karan

Python Django Development

Seldom India’s Python Django Web Developer course has been instrumental in developing proficiency in Django development.

Avatar for Nikunj

Coding Development With Python Django

Seldom India’s Python Django Web Developer course radiates brilliance. The syllabus is well-structured, and the instructors bring a wealth of practical knowledge to the classroom

Avatar for Payal Khurana
Payal Khurana

Python Django Development

Seldom India’s Python Django Web Developer course stands out for its precision. The curriculum is meticulously crafted, covering key Django concepts with clarity

Avatar for Aaryan

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Frequently Asked Questions
Python Django Programming

On this very page you will find a form titled ‘Enrollment For Training Course’. Fill in your details and we will get in touch.

Python Django is a framework used to build websites and web applications. Taking a course in Python Django can help you create web projects using Python, making the process smoother and more efficient.

No, you don’t. Our course is designed for beginners. Whether you’re new to coding or have some experience, we’ll guide you through the process of using Python Django for web development.

It’s recommended to have a basic understanding of Python before diving into Django. If you’re new to Python, consider our Python basics course to get started.

Absolutely! The course is practical, and you’ll be building real websites and web applications using Python Django. It’s a hands-on approach to help you learn effectively.

A basic understanding of Python is recommended. If you’re new to Python, we suggest taking our Python basics course first to get familiar with the language.

Yes, you can. The course is flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace and fit it into your schedule, even if you have other responsibilities.

Certainly! We encourage interaction. You can ask questions, participate in discussions, and connect with both instructors and fellow learners.

Yes, we keep the content current. You’ll learn the latest features and best practices in Django for effective web development.

Learning Django opens doors to web development opportunities. It’s a widely used framework, and the skills you gain can make you stand out to employers in the field.