
New batch from 26 Dec 2022

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Full Stack Web Devloper

Hand-on Practical Training Program with Project organized by Rajasthan Technical University training partner Seldom India

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Know your Trainer

Kartavya Jain qualified as B.Tech. & MBA started his career with  Ultratech Cement Limited as an Executive and reached up to Regional Head level in quick succession.

He Started following his passion of training others in 2014 since then he has trained in more than 50 Blue-chip Corporates like Harley Davidson, Daikin, Yokohama, Wipro, Max Neman, AIG America, Wipro, Hero and may more 

12+ Years Experience
1500+ Hours of Corporate Training Experience
Trained in more than 50+ Blue-chip Corporates

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Course Outline

  • Python Basic
    • Installation
    • Environment Setup
    • Operators
    • Calculations
    • Strings
    • Loops
    • Conditions
    • Functions
    • List
    • Tuple
    • Dictionaries
    • Lambda Expression
  • Advance Python
    • Decorators
    • Generators
    • Oops Concepts & Application
    • Working with Files
      • CSV
      • PDF
    • Python Modules
    • GUI Programming
    • Web Scrapping
    • Database Handling in Python
    • Regular Expressions
  • Introduction of tags
  • Empty and Container Tags
  • Html elements
  • Html attributes
  • Html tables
  • Html Lists
  • Html div with CSS float
  • Html forms
  • Html other important tags
  • What is Markup Language
  • Basic Structure of HTML
  • Difference Between HTML and XHTML
  • Head Section and Elements of Head Section
  • Meta Tags
  • CSS Tags
  • Script Tag
  • Table Tag
  • Tag
  • Header Tags
  • Paragraph, Span, Pre-Tags
  • Anchor Links and Named Anchors
  • Image Tag
  • Object Tag 5 HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language
  • Iframe Tag
  • Forms
  • Form Tag
  • Attributes of Form 6 HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language
  • POST and GET Method
  • Field set and Legend
  • Text input, Text area
  • Checkbox and Radio Button
  • Dropdown, List and opt group
  • File Upload and Hidden Fields
  • Submit, Image, Normal, Reset Button
  • Creating a Live Website
  • HTML Validates

• Introduction of CSS
• Inline CSS
• Internal CSS
• External CSS
• Box model and Margin, Padding
• Float property
• Positioning in CSS
• Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
• Types of CSS
• CSS Selectors
• Universal Selector
• ID Selector
• Tag Selector
• Class Selector
• Sub Selector
• Child Combinatory Selector
• Adjacent Sibling Selector
• Attribute Selector
• Group selector
• First-line and First-letter selector
• Before and After Selector
• CSS Properties
• Type Properties
• Background Properties
• Block Properties
• Box Properties
• List Properties
• Border Properties
• Positioning Properties
• Realtime Implementation
• Conversation of Table to CSS Layout
• CSS Menu Design (Horizontal, Vertical)
• Form Designing

  • Introduction of Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap carousal
  • BS Grid Basic
  • BS Typography
  • BS Tables
  • BS Images
  • BS Jumbotron
  • BS Wells
  • BS Alerts BS Buttons
  • BS Button Groups
  • BS Glyphicons
  • BS Badges/Labels
  • BS Progress Bars
  • BS Pagination
  • BS Pager
  • BS List Groups
  • BS Panels
  • BS Dropdowns
  • BS Collapse
  • BS Tabs/Pills
  • BS Navbar
  • BS Forms
  • BS Inputs
  • BS Carousel
  • BS Modal
  • BS Tooltip
  • BS Popover
  • BS Affix
  • BS Filters
  • JS Introduction
  • JS Variables
  • JS Operators
  • JS Arithmetic
  • JS Assignment
  • JS Data Types
  • JS Functions
  • JS Objects
  • JS Events
  • JS Strings
  • JS Numbers
  • JS Arrays
  • JS Dates
  • JS Date Formats
  • JS Math
  • JS Booleans
  • JS Control statements
  • JS Type Conversion
  • JS Bitwise
  • JS RegExp
  • JS Errors
  • JS Scope
  • JS Strict Mode
  • JS this Keyword
  • JS Let
  • JS Const
  • JS Debugging
  • JQuery Usage
  • Downloading jQuery
  • JQuery: Operational Overview
  • Basic Selectors
  • Multiple Selector
  • Selecting by Order
  • Attributes vs. Properties
  • CSS Box Model Properties
  • Element Content
  • Manipulating Children
  • Effects (Basic Animation)
  • Hierarchical Selectors (Combinators
  • Attribute Selectors
  • Basic vs. Child Filters
  • Filtering Methods
  • Traversing Methods
  • Selecting From Forms
  • Selecting Parent and Children
  • Automatic DOM Traversal
  • Manipulating DOM Elements
  • Getting and Setting Attribute Values
  • Removing Attributes
  • The jQuery Function
  • The jQuery Object
  • Some jQuery “Static” Methods
  • Utility Methods
  • Binding Multiple Events to Same Handler
  • Multiple Events to Different Handlers
  • Event Targets
  • Triggering Events
  • Live Events
  • Changing HTML Content
  • Changing Text Content
  • Managing Elements
  • Introduction to Animations
  • JSON Parsers
  • Sending Data JSON vs XML
  • JQuery AJAX Utility Methods
  • JQuery and JSON
  • JQuery and Other Data Types
  • Serialization
  • Deferred Objects
  • Introduction,
  • Installation &
  • Environment Setup
  • MVC Model,
  • HTTP Concepts
  • Views
  • URL Mapping
  • Template Language,
  • Utilities of Templates
  • Creating Template Objects,
  • Tags,
  • Variables and Filters
  • Rendering Templates
  • Template Inheritance
  • Form Handling,
  • Form validation
  • Form Display,
  • Error Messages
  • Models,
  • Model Fields
  • Model Inheritance,
  • CRUD on DB
  • Primary keys and the Model,
  • Dynamic Webpages
  • Toggle Hidden Content,
  • jQuery and AJAX integration
  • Serialization and Deserialization,
  • REST Framework
  • Serializer class,
  • Model Serializers, Rest APIs
  • parsing object to XML and back
  • JSON, parsing object to JSON and back,
  • Query & Applications.


Seldom India Technologies is Rajasthan Technical University’s Official Training Partner. Head quartered in Jaipur, Rajasthan India.
